Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A working, teaching g-w/g in SL!

On Genome Island in Second Life, I've discovered an actual working educational game-within-the-game.

Well, maybe it's not much of a game, but it's neat. What you see is an interactive demonstration of mendelian inheritance (remember Punnett Squares from H.S. bio?). In the left-hand distant flower pot you can see the original two parent plants, on the right is the first generation. The 16 plants in the circular bed represent the third generation. Clicking on them allows you to create multiple third generations to see how the traits, in this case height and color, are inherited. 

Here's the SLURL for it: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Genome/165/71/49

The info card mentions another area where you can learn about chi-square analysis, which may be similar to one of my wild-arse ideas. I'm going to check that out next.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Muffle,

    Thanks for sharing the link. It sounds like a place I would like to visit.

    I also checked your game. You are taking up an impressive challenge. Awesome!! I cannot wait to see it work and to learn from you. Nice job!
