Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A working, teaching g-w/g in SL!

On Genome Island in Second Life, I've discovered an actual working educational game-within-the-game.

Well, maybe it's not much of a game, but it's neat. What you see is an interactive demonstration of mendelian inheritance (remember Punnett Squares from H.S. bio?). In the left-hand distant flower pot you can see the original two parent plants, on the right is the first generation. The 16 plants in the circular bed represent the third generation. Clicking on them allows you to create multiple third generations to see how the traits, in this case height and color, are inherited. 

Here's the SLURL for it: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Genome/165/71/49

The info card mentions another area where you can learn about chi-square analysis, which may be similar to one of my wild-arse ideas. I'm going to check that out next.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Game building

Here I am puzzling out how to proceed with the tic-tac-toe game-within-a-game. So far, I've made game cels that can rez objects that are in another object's inventory, learning, along the way, that objects have inventories just like avatars (well, similarly). I've gotten a bit more comfortable with some data types that are specific to lsl, such as, vectors, which encode positions of objects, among other things. I've also learned about quaternions, which is the data type for the rotations of objects. Right now I'm in the middle of figuring out how to make the script for the whole game (which should be a complex linked object) interact with the scripts in each individual cel. The idea is to have the game check for a win situation (i.e. three of the same element across, down or diagonal) every time a piece is placed in a cel. I have no idea if this is the best way to go about doing this with SL object and lsl, but I'm forging ahead!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Building, building

I think my fall through the rabbit hole will be deeper this time. I'm almost sure of it. I'm more excited about the idea of writing scripts to determine the behavior of objects. A few more tutorials and I'll be able to make games within games. Has anyone created a virtual world within a virtual world? The mind reels; it's turtles all the way down! Ok, maybe something like tic-tac-toe first. But I'd like to look into including voice recognition so objects can be programmed to interact via speech. Anyone know if that's been done?